Divine Intervention- from Bombay

A man who bows down to nothing can never bear the burden of himself - Dostoevsky
The moments of our lives, our experiences, are there to lead us to God. Say that something tragic happens when you are a child, the loss of someone very close to you, for instance. This experience is painful no doubt, but God intended it this way for a reason. Your soul seeks enlightenment, this is its natural manifestation, this is why you were born. So maybe this childhood tragedy can be looked at as a lesson towards individuality, towards perserverance or strength. God does not give us any lesson which we cannot handle. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. From pain comes strength. From darkness comes light. Each experience can be a lesson of growth if we can just try to see it as such. To see the annoying person as a lesson in tolerance, the angry person as a lesson in non-violence (ahimsa), the pitiful person as a lesson in empathy, and the arrogant person as a lesson in humility. Especially when this person is ourself. And then, to begin to see that which triggers us most, what bothers us the most in others, is what we most dislike in ourselves. Aha! This becomes a lesson towards self-love, acceptance, true growth and expansion towards God, towards our true self. This is difficult at first, yes, to see ourselves in others as an experiment for the creator. To see all of our experiences as necessary and to know that we are loved. To hold ourselves and others in honor in our hearts and in respect through our actions, no matter the circumstance or relationship. To see ourselves as the other and to treat others as we would want to be treated if we were in their shoes - and we could have been very easily. And to know that every experience, no matter how big or small, is no mistake - it is simply divine intervention.
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