The Teachers at Parmarth Internat'l Yoga Festival
H.H. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati is president of Parmarth Niketan Ashram where the yoga festival took place. He left his home at eight years old and spent his youth in seclusion, silence and sadhana in the Himalayas
. Today he is world renowned as a great saint, spiritual leader, visionary and divine guide to many. His religion is Unity and he has been a leader in numerous international interfaith conferences. He has lead a number of peace pilgrimages across the world. The yoga taught by Swamiji is a total yoga - of body, mind, spirit and soul. It is a yoga for every minute and every day of our lives.
Dr. David Frawley is one of the few westerners recognized in India as a Vedacharya of the ancient wisdom. In 1991 he was named Vamadeva Shastri, after the Vedic Rishi Vamadeva. In 1995 he was given the title of Pandit along with Brahmachari Vishwanathji award for his knowledge of the Vedic teachings. He is a renowned author with topics ranging from Vedanta to Yoga and Ayurveda. (The book I bought is wonderful and so informative!) He has lectured at major Vedantic and Yogic institutions in both America and India.
Sri Birjoo Mehta is a long-standing disciple of Sri B.K.S. Iyengar as well as the managing trustee of the Light on Yoga Research Trust. He has been a student of Iyengar since 1975 and since 1984 has accompanied him on many tours in India and abroad. Birjoo had been teaching Iyengar Yoga in Mumbai (Bombay) for 18 years. He is a full time Engineer as well. His classes were the most informative yoga classes I have ever attended. I learned more in a week with Birjoo than I ever could have imagined. I began my week thinking I would attend alternating classes with Gurmukh's Kundalini but came back every day to learn more about structure and alignment with Birjoo. I couldn't stay away knowing that I could attend Kundalini in the states and that Birjoo is here in India, much further away. I did do Kundalini the first and last day of the conference. Her classes ROCK!

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa is a world renowned Kundalini Yoga instructor. She is the cofounder and director of Golden Bridge, Los Angeles' premier center for the study and practice of Kundalini Yoga and mediation. She is a direct disciple of kundalini yoga master Yogi Bhajan. She has been teaching for over thirty years and is also a prolific author on the ways kundalini yoga can be used to bring peace and health to the body, mind and soul.
Anyone who has taken my classes for any time knows how much I love Gurmukh and Kundalini. We do a few very powerful poses in our everyday yoga classes in Bemidji and everyone seems to feel the energy moving as we rest and close our eyes afterwards to tune into the power of internal light awakening within. The classes with her felt like a blessing. I am not saying they weren't difficult. Actually, many times my arms felt like they were going to fall off if I didn't drop them from the posture. But with her encouragement and love I kept going and at the end could feel the awakening beginning. In one class, the last day of the conference, I actually saw the bright pink aura expanding around my hands as I looked between them and through an imaginary lens while we did long deep breaths, holding and pumping our bellies. It was very powerful. I hope to do some training with her in the fall and bring back even more knowledge of this very heartfelt yoga.
Sadhvi Abha Saraswati has been an avid yoga practitioner since the age of 25, when through yoga she cured herself of a terminal kidney ailment called nephritis. Since then she has delved deeply into various forms of yoga and has become not only a practitioner, but also a teacher. She resides at Parmarth where she teaches yoga nidra. I attended one day and slept through the whole thing, which she said was ok. The next time was a guided meditation in savasana accompanied by her voice and a sitar tuner - very relaxing. She also teaches nada yoga. Learning traditional chants from her and listening to her most angelic voice was a blessing in itself. I am working on learning by heart Gayatri Mantra, a beautiful hymn song during many celebrations.

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa is a world renowned Kundalini Yoga instructor. She is the cofounder and director of Golden Bridge, Los Angeles' premier center for the study and practice of Kundalini Yoga and mediation. She is a direct disciple of kundalini yoga master Yogi Bhajan. She has been teaching for over thirty years and is also a prolific author on the ways kundalini yoga can be used to bring peace and health to the body, mind and soul.
Anyone who has taken my classes for any time knows how much I love Gurmukh and Kundalini. We do a few very powerful poses in our everyday yoga classes in Bemidji and everyone seems to feel the energy moving as we rest and close our eyes afterwards to tune into the power of internal light awakening within. The classes with her felt like a blessing. I am not saying they weren't difficult. Actually, many times my arms felt like they were going to fall off if I didn't drop them from the posture. But with her encouragement and love I kept going and at the end could feel the awakening beginning. In one class, the last day of the conference, I actually saw the bright pink aura expanding around my hands as I looked between them and through an imaginary lens while we did long deep breaths, holding and pumping our bellies. It was very powerful. I hope to do some training with her in the fall and bring back even more knowledge of this very heartfelt yoga.

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